Never Leave Home Without These 5 Essential Oils
There are 5 Essential Oils that are just too valuable to leave at home. When I carry them with me, I feel better prepared for the day.
In my purse, I have small bottles of my favorite essential oils that I just can’t leave home without. The small bottles hold 2 ml of oil. They’re perfect for carrying essential oils with me, and fit better in my purse than the large 15 ml bottles.
Frankincense – This is a wonderful oil! It helps with focus, reduces the appearance of skin blemishes, and when applied to the bottom of your feet it can help you relax and balance your mood.
It may also aid in migraines. This is one of my favorite uses of Frankincense. For me, often times it will stop a migraine in its tracks. I was taking medication for my frequent migraines, but I was always frustrated with how it made me feel. One of the reasons I prefer using Frankincense is because it won’t leave me feeling groggy and loopy like medication does.
I put a drop of Frankincense EO on my thumb, and hold my thumb to the roof of my mouth for 10 seconds. It looks kind of awkward, and I escape to the bathroom to apply the essential oil to avoid the confused looks. But it’s worth it. Migraines used to put me out for days, not anymore! I use it at the FIRST sign of an oncoming migraine.
Curious about how essential oils can improve your life?
Peppermint – When I feel myself start winding down, and need a quick pick me up, I apply peppermint essential oil to the back of my neck and take in a deep breath of the oil. Wonderful for giving you energy, helping with focus, clearing your sinuses, aiding in tummy troubles, and releasing tense muscles. Make sure to avoid your eyes.
If you are plagued by hiccups, Peppermint EO may give you relief. Put 1 drop of Peppermint EO on your thumb, and hold your thumb to the roof of your mouth for 10 seconds. Your hiccups should fade away. If they still linger, I have also had success drinking a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in a cup of water.
Peppermint EO is one you may want to dilute with a carrier oil like coconut oil, grape seed oil, or even olive oil. I have not had any problems with it, but for some, it may irritate their skin. Always dilute when using on children. A good dilution would be 4:1, 4 drops of carrier oil, to one drop of EO.
Lavender – Wonderful for bringing a sense of calm in a stressful time. I tend to clench my jaw when I’m anxious. One drop of Lavender EO, on each side under my ear, and I can instantly feel my jaw relax. Lavender also soothes occasional skin irritations, and will help you drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s amazing.
Want to know more about how essential oils can have a positive effect on your mood?
Melaleuca (Tea Tree) – A strong antibacterial and antifungal essential oil. Great for minor cuts, canker sores, earaches, fighting off colds, and one of my favorite uses, keeping lice away. Even though I was frequently around small children with head lice, those little critters never climbed onto my head because I sprayed my hair every morning from a water bottle that contained a few drops of Melaleuca EO mixed with water.
Roman Chamomile – So far it has been the most effective on treating any tummy ailments I have had. I rub a drop of Roman Chamomile EO on my belly, and it calms it down. It is also great for helping with anxiety, anger and irritability.
When choosing essential oils, it is important to be picky about which brand you use. Only use essential oils that can pass the test on quality. There are many products claiming to be pure essential oils. However, many of these products use fragrant synthetic chemical substitutes to dilute or replace the more expensive essential oil extracts. Don’t waste your money on products that aren’t effective.
Due to recent changes in the law, I am not able share my trusted brand of essential oils on my blog, but I can share them with you via email. For more information on essential oils, please fill out the form below.
Make sure to read the usage method and precautions for each oil. Use special caution when using on children, during pregnancy, or for those with health problems.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
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