In the span of a month? A few weeks? (Perhaps minutes, even.) Parker grew out of both the children’s menu at restaurants, and the “big kids” section of shoes. He usually eats more than me, a few weeks ago polishing off almost an entire Chipotle burrito, and when I went to check out a new
The post Itchy. appeared first on Tales of Me and the Husband.
In the span of a month? A few weeks? (Perhaps minutes, even.) Parker grew out of both the children’s menu at restaurants, and the “big kids” section of shoes. He usually eats more than me, a few weeks ago polishing off almost an entire Chipotle burrito, and when I went to check out a new pair of shoes for him and realized there was no size 4.5 to click on in the kid section, in disbelief, I headed over to the adult section where–lo and behold–there was his size. And for $25 more.
This isn’t new to me, but it is new to me with a human I actually gave birth to, and seeing as I gave birth to him last week, I’m in astonishment.
We are in that part of winter where I get itchy. Itchy on Airbnb. *Googles week-long rentals in St. John* Itchy to overhaul entire wardrobe. *Sells everything she owns on Poshmark and is left with one pair of sweats and two turtleneck sweaters* Itchy to change anything and everything. *Chops off all her hair and regrets it after the first wash. Cries.* Itchy to change up the house. *Pinterest boards grows and so does discontent. Changes nothing about the house, but picks up a few new shows on Netflix instead. One is Emily in Paris so getting dumber by the second as well.* Itchy to pick up a new hobby. *Googles “what kind of ice axe did the Alpinist use?” Adds it to cart and then remembers the ending.*