
In the span of a month? A few weeks? (Perhaps minutes, even.) Parker grew out of both the children’s menu at restaurants, and the “big kids” section of shoes. He usually eats more than me, a few weeks ago polishing off almost an entire Chipotle burrito, and when I went to check out a new

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The post Itchy. appeared first on Tales of Me and the Husband.

In the span of a month? A few weeks? (Perhaps minutes, even.) Parker grew out of both the children’s menu at restaurants, and the “big kids” section of shoes. He usually eats more than me, a few weeks ago polishing off almost an entire Chipotle burrito, and when I went to check out a new pair of shoes for him and realized there was no size 4.5 to click on in the kid section, in disbelief, I headed over to the adult section where–lo and behold–there was his size. And for $25 more.

This isn’t new to me, but it is new to me with a human I actually gave birth to, and seeing as I gave birth to him last week, I’m in astonishment.

We are in that part of winter where I get itchy. Itchy on Airbnb. *Googles week-long rentals in St. John* Itchy to overhaul entire wardrobe. *Sells everything she owns on Poshmark and is left with one pair of sweats and two turtleneck sweaters* Itchy to change anything and everything. *Chops off all her hair and regrets it after the first wash. Cries.* Itchy to change up the house. *Pinterest boards grows and so does discontent. Changes nothing about the house, but picks up a few new shows on Netflix instead. One is Emily in Paris so getting dumber by the second as well.* Itchy to pick up a new hobby. *Googles “what kind of ice axe did the Alpinist use?” Adds it to cart and then remembers the ending.*

I’m sure this is an issue for all parents, and not just homeschooling parents, but because our child’s education is really in our hands, do you fellow home educators struggle with the questions of enough? I’m sure, if I could, I’d be looking at a bunch of you nodding your head yes. Have I dropped the ball in getting Parker into piano lessons? Maybe guitar. Are we doing enough to check the science box? What about that cool woodworking class I saw (that costs $250)? Anders hasn’t tried enough sports, but which one should he try this spring? Why aren’t either of them fluent in Spanish yet?!?! The questions (and choices) are endless. My time, my energy, my bank account is not. I don’t feel this itch as much in other seasons. I’m wholly content with the biking, beaching, walking, activity-ing as a family. In fact, as I look at my boys on the sofa watching their second show on Disney+ this morning, and the thermometer reading 3 degrees, I know this is especially a wintertime problem.

To the homeschooling families: what little add-ons have you done (either in home or out) that have been positive?

Some pictures of a recent ski day at Bretton Woods. We spent the week at the farmhouse, and ended it with a day on the mountain when it was absolutely beautiful. Clear skies all the way to Mount Washington!


The post Itchy. appeared first on Tales of Me and the Husband.

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